Sunday, February 21, 2016

Life's learning

Four months into learning to be a responsible daughter and daughter in law, loving and caring wife, I have certain thoughts pondering in my head which is worth sharing with you all.
When there is not even a perk of rice our stomach expects to have atleast rice with water. When we have that our mind tells ur to have rice with curry, when we have that our mind tells us we should be having atleast two varieties a meal, when we have variety mind pushes us to have a sumptuous grand meal.
This way the very purpose of a state of being is changed by the greediness of mind. When just rice and water can suffice hunger we are pushed to have a grand meal, so we forget the sole purpose which is being hungry and we concentrate on the meal. Where hunger has to be the state of mind and meal is just a tool to handle hunger, but our greedy mind makes meal as the king and hunger is pushed to the back seat. This is not only in food, these days everything is being reversed. In everything we do the state of being is pushed to the back and the tool becomes the purpose. For example men and women tie knots to build a family to nurture love and affection, and everything from food clothing money shelter education knowledge are just tools that will help in enhancing their love for each other, but in today's world love and affection is sent to the back seat and we run behind temporary solace called money and wealth forgetting the permanent and eternal love between people.
We say we are earning money for the family and work day and night without spending time with family, which is funny because when you can't afford "time" and "love" what is the point in affording money. having said so much finally
"Money is only a tool but the sole purpose of a family is love and affection."
Let us use the tool(wealth) and grow the plant (family) and not just keep collecting  the tools while the plant is dying slowly.
With these thoughts running in my mind, and me running to office to earn a perk catch you all next time.

More thoughts on my learning

The biggest takeaway for me on NLP was think in the Desired state, Can we think only about what we want all the time, yes we do have the pow...