Thursday, September 3, 2020

NLP journey 2


Once a little child decided to walk through a forest. She knew the forest is an abudant forest and she can get all she wants from it during her walk. She could see that she was not alone in the forest but few like her who also wanted to explore the forest. They all joined hands and as they started thier first step each of them where able to easily see the treasure they were holding within themselves through the mirror that this forest held for them.

The little child realised there was a bigger purpose in her travel. As she came across this magic place she encountered her biggest fears in life, and this time she faced those fears gently and as she faced it she saw a new person within her. She realised the potential she had to fight her fears and now she wanted to go out of this forest and help as many people as she can to encounter thier fears and let go of it just as she did 

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