Saturday, September 7, 2013

Empty Mind!!

It is always said that an empty mind is a devil’s workshop, But I really wonder if at any point in time can a human mind be empty or rather is any mind which is completely occupied isn’t evil. It makes me wonder what is the real state of a mind which is empty. Does an empty mind mean the brain is dead or is no more functional? or, Does it mean that the person has gone to a state of black out, if so it makes me wonder if people in today’s world are all in a black out state were they have all gone to a state of unconsciousness. A state in which no one knows about the real reason for their existence, a state in which they have forgotten their mere purpose of birth into this world. They are living a superficial life which co-exist between the divinely and beastly beings. Living to defeat others or rather finding peace in oneself by destroying others around is being considered the way of life in today's world. So I would like to rephrase the sentence to 
                                     "Any mind in today's world is devils workshop".

Stages of life

In every human life there exist two stages, one stage I would call it the getting stage and the other the giving stage. Getting stage is the first half of our life, and giving is the latter half of our life. Getting stage is when we acquire almost everything from everyone around us. Right from when we were in mother’s womb where we acquired life, and then the necessary nutrients which gave us a form. When we came out to this world, we got care and love which are the two most quintessential for any human being, from everyone around us. Then as a kid we got food, clothing and education from our parents. We got knowledge from teachers. We learnt to show care and love for other beings from our grandparents, we learnt to share things from our siblings, we learnt to fight and at the same time forgive from our friends. As we grew we learnt to live an ambitious life from our society. So, once we learn the skill of being ambitious we also start learning how to be shrewd, how to be cruel, how to belittle others, how to live a life which will bring happiness only to you by way of destroying others. So apparently we forget to fulfill our second stage in our life which is giving. We forget to give back the basic amenities which we got as a kid from our parents when they need it. We forget to give back the love and care we got from our grandparents in their last stage’s, we even consider our very own parents who gave us life and form, as a burden so where is the talk of showing love and care to their parents. As a kid when we were able to share small things like pencil and toy with siblings, but as a grownup we don’t even bother to share our precious time with them once a while so busy with our own life. We forget to give our shoulders to our friends when they are in need of it. So let us not forget that in order to maintain the beam balance called life, giving is as important as was the getting stage of our life. 

More thoughts on my learning

The biggest takeaway for me on NLP was think in the Desired state, Can we think only about what we want all the time, yes we do have the pow...